Nowadays, most professional football clubs start “scouting” for young talented players at the age of 7. That’s the age young Messis or Ronaldos are spotted by them.
Children learn things very fast. Their brains are like sponge; they can absorb many things. That’s the age to start inculcating in them good habits. “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).
Creating good habits, like a living a heathy life style and practicing sports, will give children a head start in life. They may not become professional athletes. But, certainly, they will carry these positive influences for the rest of their lives.
We at CTM Sports believe in imparting godly values to the students, starting as early as at the age of 7!
(photo credit: Solace Vemai)